Why are happy positive-thinking men so attractive to women?
Don't wanna do nothin'. Nothin's ever gonna work. Everyone is a problem. It's all goin down hill from here. You know nothin' about nothin'. Don't care, whatever.
Because the alternative--that type of guy drains the life out of you.
Now imagine if that was a woman you were dating--you'd wonder what she put in your drink to make you date her in the first place!
Being positive doesn't mean you have a permanent smile plastered on your face. So let's get that out of the way.
What's attractive is inner happiness and self-confidence. Those that exude this brightness are intoxicating to be around.
Negativity on the other hand is exhausting.
Why do you think people seek ways to escape the monotony of life such as by traveling, watching movies, playing video games, engaging in sports, going to bars, or attending events? It's so that they can feel good and forget whatever stresses and pain they're going through.
So, if someone they encounter is very negative, that adds to the stress that individuals are already feeling.
However, if they meet a person radiating with happiness and light, people can't help but be drawn to that person.
The only people who like being around miserable people are miserable people themselves. That's why misery loves company.
Humans like to seek out confirmation of what they think in order to validate how they feel.
Meaning, positive people will surround themselves with other positive people and listen to positive affirmations so as to remain in the same constant state of positivity. Negative people do the same by surrounding themselves with negative people and listen to negative confirmations thereby remaining in the constant state of negativity.
I was sent a video by a guy friend of mine of a group of men talking about women and dating and how, statistically speaking, relationships always fails because women will eventually leave. And if you don't mentally prepare yourself for it, then you're living in a fantasy world.
Imagine if people in business thought like that, "We're going to open up this business, it'll be great for the community, but statistically speaking new businesses always fail, so our business is going to fail. And if we don't mentally prepare ourselves for failure then we're living in a fantasy world."
Humans are fascinating beings. They disguise their fear of being hurt by expecting the worst in the hopes that it would lessen the pain. As if being clairvoyant would help any, "I knew it, I knew she would leave me!"
This type of expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because they do eventually abandon and reject those type of men. And that pain...it didn't actually lessen.
If only people knew that a person leaves when they're always expected to leave. A person's mind will come to a point where they say, "Fine, if you don't have faith in me or in us working out then there's no point in staying."
When you tell kids and adults they'll never amount to anything, ultimately they'll start to believe what you believe.
And even if you don't say anything but your very being and actions scream out that the relationship will fail--it will fail. That kind of energy is pretty potent.
If you expect failure you are putting yourself in a position to fail, you are abdicating any accountability and the most likely outcome is failure. - Gordon Tredgold
Well I'm just being real! It's statistics!
You can be real all you want. And then observe how real it gets when people are finding ways to get away from you. Statistically speaking. ;)
Positive people with inner joy don't necessarily avoid hardship or suffering, but their perspective on life is different, "It's okay, tomorrow will be a better day."
They don't live in perpetual victimhood.
They don't blame their circumstances, their past, or others for their misery. And they continue to work toward a brighter future.
And they know that in order to genuinely love someone, they genuinely have to love themselves first.
You can tell a person by the amount of love or hate they feel for themselves by the way they treats others and their outlook on life.
Consider this awe inspiring man from Australia named Nick Vujicic who was born with no legs and no arms. He plays golf, swims, dives, and has accomplished more than the average person. He didn't let his limitations stop him from accomplishing anything.
He could have easily been a depressed and miserable person considering his circumstances.
His joy is contagious. And you can tell how much he loves life, himself, and other people. And that is what makes him incredibly sexy. So much so that he attracted his beautiful wife Kanae Miyahara to him.
You know what makes happy confident people so attractive? They discover a lot of things they love about themselves.
People desire what other people love. It's the law of social proof--a psychological phenomenon in which people are influenced to want a product, person, or service based on how other people are desiring them.
That's why social proof starts with you. Because if you don't love yourself, why should others?
You may say, "I love myself! I love myself so much I think everyone else is horrible".
If you spew hate, complain all the time, think that the whole world is against you and that you're the perpetual victim, you don't love yourself. Because a person who truly loves themselves is too busy living life to have any time to consider what is wrong with it.
You are your best asset. There is so much greatness in you. So love you. Enjoy you. And people will naturally follow.
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