What happens when men stop simping?
You get your respect, dignity, and masculinity back.
It's as simple as that.
Oh, and did I mention that women get more attracted to you? You might want to keep reading.
This article is dedicated to lovelymason who requested this video on Tiktok. And if you have any requested video, please feel free to comment below.
What exactly is a simp? The definition has evolved over the years but in today's terms it basically means a person, typically a man, who is desperate for the attention and affection of a woman that they like that they go over and beyond to satisfy a woman's every whim.
Notice how I said whim, not need. You'll know in a second.
Whim is a sudden desire or change of mind. Need is something essential and important.
Like breathing is a need. Or having a good man is a need.
Wanting you to call every minute of every hour of every day is not a need. That's a whim.
So if a man caters to a woman's every whim, that's not attractive.
What woman will be attracted to a desperate man who she can basically control?
Think about that. Desperate equals unattractive.
Desperate is being needy. And both words are signs that a person is weak and has low self-esteem.
Simps have lost their sense of who they are, or perhaps, they never found it in the first place. Thus, their entire identity is dependent upon another person of whom they feel worthy only if that person gives them the time of day.
But don't go overboard and start giving every Simp a different description. Because some people have defined simping as, "When he answers a Facetime call from a woman.", "When he dresses to impress his crush", "When he uses his jacket to protect a woman from the rain."
A man can do those things and, while on one hand, he would come out as desperate, on the other hand, he would be incredibly attractive.
What's the difference? If he does those romantic gestures because he wants something in return--then he's definitely a Simp because he only does things to get something back--which is a form of validation. Which is needy. And it's desperate.
The attractive guy on the other hand, does romantic deeds because his heart compelled him to do so. It gives him joy that he does something awesome. He's completely satisfied with himself because he is a whole person. He is not in need of anyone to make himself feel good.
Therefore, he doesn't need her. He gives because he loves. But he sets boundaries to make sure she does not disrespect him, use him, manipulate or control him. He's not a doormat.
The reason why this type of man is attractive is because he has a backbone and he knows himself so securely. When a man is highly confident in himself, accepts himself for who he is, and has values that prevent him from being swayed by anyone, let alone a woman, it's really, really sexy.
Make sure you watch the video about the characteristics of good men that women find incredibly attractive.
Humans in this day and age have really messed men up and have emasculated them. And that's not good. There's nothing wrong with masculinity. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just like we should embrace and celebrate femininity, the same thing goes for masculinity.
I'm not talking about machismo here because that's so unappealing. I'm talking about pure, unadulterated, good masculinity.
A masculine man is a sexy man because he embraces how nature made him to be. He doesn't let society define him just because society keeps changing its every whim.
Have you ever noticed that a seal remains a seal and celebrates its seal-ness and not suddenly go, "I think I'm actually a shark in the body of a seal. Let me go and swim with my tribe."
What would happen if that actually happened?
Yeah, it seems like the shark didn't get the memo. It still sees the seal as dinner.
Animals follow the laws of nature in the way they were meant to be. And then there's us humans.
We like to...dabble, experiment, make up rules that are so frequently updated that we can barely keep up with the rules from yesterday.
And then we wonder why we feel even more lost than ever.
Perhaps nature is a powerful beast and it comes a knockin'!
Speaking of nature, you know what women can't help doing? They can't help but respect a man who respects himself. A woman will start to question her behaviors and attitude toward a man who stands up for what is right in an honorable way without worrying about losing her.
She will suddenly see this man differently as though she would lose him if she doesn't get her act together.
And that, is what makes a man extremely attractive.
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